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Keystone School Prod

8th Grade Physical Science Online

8th Grade Physical Science Online

Regular price $399.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $399.00 USD
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The Physical Science program introduces students to many aspects of the physical world, focusing first on chemistry and then on physics. The course provides an overview of the physical world and gives students tools and concepts to think clearly about matter, atoms, molecules, chemical reactions, motion, force, momentum, work and machines, energy, waves, electricity, light, and other aspects of chemistry and physics. Among other subjects, students study the structure of atoms; the elements and the Periodic Table; chemical reactions; forces, including gravitational, motion, acceleration, and mass; and energy, including light, thermal, electricity, and magnetism.

When enrolling in the full year option of this course it will be delivered in two semesters. Transcripts will reflect each semester separately

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